The past few days have been very interesting to say the least. After Marcus made it through the entire hiring process to become a Sheriff's Deputy, we got the email on Tuesday that they were not going to hire him. Talk about a huge disappointment. We have spent many hours praying for and working towards this goal, including flying him across the country twice on our own dime in order to go to interviews and testing.
Once he made it through all of these steps, we honestly thought that the job was his and we began planning as if it was. So that email Tuesday was definitely a sobering dose of reality and we began to wonder if law enforcement is really where God wants Marcus to be. So we continued to pray for God's provision and we trusted that He would provide a job, whether it was in law enforcement or in a different field.
Well, yesterday (Friday), Marcus got a follow up email from the HR director at the Sheriff's department saying how sorry she was that he wasn't selected for the patrol job, but would he be interested in a different job within the department? They will be hiring this summer for jobs in the Detention Center, which is what Marcus has been doing here for the past eight months. He has heard great things about the job itself. The benefits are great, hours and pay would work well for our family and our schedule as well. So although it isn't the job that he originally applied and interviewed for, it was one of the other jobs that he was interested in.
I find it interesting that between Tuesday and Friday there really was no panic when our original plan went up in smoke. I think both of us just knew that God would provide. Knowing that we serve a God that is bigger than any of our little issues brings such peace in the midst of what could be a very stressful situation. He has been so faithful throughout this whole process from us deciding to move and getting an offer on our house that would allow us to stay here until June, to working everything out with moving Marcus's truck and all of the other small little details that come with packing and moving cross-country. Romans 8:28 tells us that God works all things together for the good of those who love Him. We have seen this so vividly in the past few months!
The first verse that came to my mind on Tuesday night when everything seemed up in the air was Psalm 46:10. The NASB says, "Cease striving and know that I am God." The ESV renders it "Be still..." This is one of my favorite verses in the Bible because it reminds me that He is in control, no matter what our circumstances are. He is able and He is faithful to do what He has promised. Our part is to stop trying to do it all ourselves and allow Him to work! Our prayer is that we can continue to do just that.
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