
Sunday, August 2, 2015

New Home: The School Room

Out of all the rooms in our new house, I have to say that I am most excited about the school room.  I am a total, unapologetic nerd and I have way too many books to have bookshelves scattered all over the house.  I am really excited about this upcoming school year as it will be our first full, official year of homeschooling the kids.  With Taylor in 1st Grade and Hunter in Kindergarten, plus a toddler and a newborn, it will be interesting to see how this year plays out. 

Last year, before the morning sickness kicked in and life got crazy with moving, I really enjoyed the structure that our school days provided.  It seemed like the days went much smoother when we all had a routine and knew what to expect.  These lazy summer days have been wreaking havoc on our schedule and I will be glad to get back to some structure!

So, I am very excited about having a dedicated place for us to do the majority of our schoolwork because one of my biggest frustrations last year was having to get our school stuff cleaned off the kitchen table for lunch and get it back out afterwards if the need arose.  It will be nice to be able to close the door and leave a project where it is without having to clean everything up in between school times.

This is more the office side of the room, where I've got most of my books, including cookbooks, old textbooks, scrapbooks, devotionals & Bibles, fiction, and a whole shelf of adult classics that I've picked up here and there.  It will be nice having the computer and printer in the same room where we do school.  Besides pencils, that was probably the tool we used the most last year! On top of the bookshelf is Marcus's diploma-mine will be joining his soon!

Around the corner, I have the world map, United States map, and a dry erase writing practice page on the wall next to our curriculum shelves.  The shelves are two 3x3 cube organizers from Lowe's stacked on top of one another.

Across the room is our dry erase board and the calendar and clock.  I also got Taylor a small magnetic board that she can use with the magnetic letter tiles when we're working on making words.  The cubbies below the white board are the 2x3 cube organizers from Lowe's attached at the ends.  They hold our other supplies, like math manipulatives, letter tiles, hole punch, label maker, etc.

As of right now, I'm keeping all of my craft supplies in the closet.  But there is plenty of room in there to add more storage if we need it.  Behind the door is a copy of the Declaration of Independence from Hobby Lobby.  We also have a copy of the Bill of Rights that is still packed in a box somewhere!

A straight-on view of the white board and cubbies.  We have 38 days until school starts! I want to add a section on the side of the board that details our daily/weekly schedule so that the kids know what is coming and to keep me on task with what I expect to accomplish that day or week.

A better view of our curriculum/kids books cubbies.  I have these organized by subject with the board books and younger kids books on the bottom so that Mason can get them out while we're "doing school."  Math, Science, History, Reading, Bible, Fine Arts, and supplies that we use on a frequent basis round out the other shelves.  I even had room in the top right cubby for Marcus's and my current textbooks. 
The only other thing that I need to pick up for this room is a small table to go in the middle.  I have debated between desks and a table and I think that since most of our work will be done together (only math and English will be done at different grade levels), it would be beneficial if I could sit down with them at the same table and we can work all together.  If they need to be separated because they're getting distracted too easily, I can always send one of them to the kitchen table, which is still within eyesight for me, to work by themselves.  Read-alouds will still be done on the couch so everyone can get comfy and enjoy the story.  So excited to get this school year underway-we'll see if this room looks the same halfway through the year, haha!

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