
Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sidewalk chalk

Last Saturday, Marcus had duty and was gone all day, so I figured I'd get a chance to "practice" what it would be like as a stay at home mom. :)  So I planned our day out, bought some sidewalk chalk, and prayed the weather was nice. 

Once the kids got up and had breakfast, we went outside on the driveway to color up the sidewalk.  I hoped that the drawings would stay there overnight so that Daddy would be able to see them in the mornning when he got home from duty.  (No such luck, it ended up raining that evening.) 

We started out with some Easter decorations:

Then we moved on to our initials and a message for Daddy:  

It says T  H  L  (heart)  M :

Then Taylor decided that she wanted to trace Hunter while he was laying on the ground:

Then it was Tay's turn:

She almost laid still for the whole thing.  Tay then decided that she wanted to draw my outline, so I humored her.  However, the shirt I was wearing was about 10 sizes too big, so I had to draw in my "real" waistline.  Realistic, don't you think?

If only it were that easy in real life... :)

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