
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Garage Clean Up

This week, I've been trying to stay offline as much as possible because I go back to work next week and I still have a ton of things on my to-do list.  After procrastinating Monday and Tuesday, I finally decided to tackle the garage Wednesday afternoon.  It was a gorgeous day outside, not too hot and partly cloudy, so I had no excuses.

Our garage lately seems to have become a dumping ground for pretty much everything.  Kids' toys, workout equipment, Marine Corps gear, and out-of-season decorations have been piling up and it was getting hard to walk through there without stepping on something. So, before I started cleaning I took some pics.  Try not to judge, lol.  :)

After 3 hours of cleaning and sorting and organizing, it's not exactly how I want it, but it is miles ahead of where it was.  I think the best thing I did was to group things into sections.  All of the gardening supplies are together, all of the fishing stuff is together, etc.  Before, everything was everywhere and there was no cohesiveness.  I just can't function like that; my brain NEEDS organization in order to work well, haha. 

One of the other things we are going to do soon is mount some hanging shelves on the ceiling.  We should be able to put the hurricane shutters and a few plastic containers up there to free up some more floor space. I'm hoping that some of those toys that the kids have outgrown will fit up there as well because they're taking up the majority of one corner.  We're also planning on upgrading our shelving units so that we can mount them to the wall and get more of the smaller stuff off the floor.

Without further ado, here's the after pics:

Like I said, I know it still looks like a mess, but I'm happy with it because now I can actually walk from the house to the driveway in a straight line instead of having to weave around a bunch of STUFF.  :) 

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