
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

24 Weeks

Already at 24 weeks in this pregnancy! It is hard to believe because it is going so fast!  Miss Paisley seems to be growing like a weed in there, at my appointment yesterday they had to do a growth check ultrasound because she was measuring a full 3 weeks ahead!  The ultrasound revealed a strong heartbeat (142 bpm), and her sweet face.  It also showed that she is measuring 10 days big, which is in the 75th percentile, so everything looks good!

We can't wait to  meet our precious little girl!  I'm feeling pretty good, starting to get a little bit more heartburn and I'm finding it harder to get to sleep at night because my legs feel restless and it's getting harder to get comfortable.  That makes for some early mornings sometimes when the boys are up at 6:30, raring to go.  

Marcus has been in Boise since Saturday and he had the scenarios portion of the Sheriff's Department application process yesterday.  He passed!! I'm so proud of him! I know it was a big deal to have to perform when you don't really know what the people watching you expect.  But he did it and did a great job, as we all knew he would!
Taylor wasn't feeling very good yesterday and the poor girl fell asleep sitting up yesterday afternoon.  She wasn't hungry for dinner, so she ended up going to bed at about 6:30 last night.  She woke up about 1:30 with a headache, but was able to go back to sleep and she slept the rest of the night and seems to be feeling better today.
We're taking the next few days pretty easy because once Daddy gets back, we have to get to work!  It's about time to start organizing and packing up all of our stuff and get ready for the big move! We can't wait!

Friday, April 24, 2015

First Beach Trip of the Year

It has been getting warmer and warmer the past few weeks, with a few cold, rainy days mixed in, but it looks like summer is on its way here, so we decided to take advantage of the last few weeks we will have in South Carolina and go strawberry picking and then to the beach.

I wish I had gotten a picture of all the yummy strawberries we got because they were perfectly ripe and huge!  We found some the size of my palm!  I was able to make 12 pints of freezer jam, which will be gifts to our friends and my parents when we leave Beaufort in June. 

The second batch of strawberry jam setting up
After strawberry picking, we made it to the beach late morning and the weather ended up being beautiful!  There were thunderstorms predicted almost all day, so the kids prayed the night before that God would give us nice weather and He did!  I love being able to point out  to the kids when God specifically answers their prayers.  It is such a testament to how much He loves us to answer such a simple prayer, but one that meant so much to them.
We packed a picnic lunch of PB and honey, Cheese puffs, and bananas for Daddy and the kids and a turkey and cheese mini-pita with a Kind bar for me.  I think they enjoyed feeding the sea gulls more than eating the Cheese puffs themselves!

The water was still freezing at first, but I swear kids have no nerve endings, so they were out there in the water all day.  I will admit that after the initial "Oh my goodness, that's cold!" wore off, it was really nice to just sit in the shallow waves and enjoy the sunshine.
The kids wanted to bury Marcus in the sand and they made him a "baby belly."  He kept saying how heavy the sand was and I joked that he should have to carry it around all the time!
We finally pried ourselves away from the beach late that afternoon because the kids were singing in the choir that night and we needed to get back to get showers and dinner before heading to church.  About 5 minutes into the drive back home, I looked back and saw this...
He was trying sooo hard to stay awake, haha!  I looked at Mason and he was already out.
I looked back over at Hunter and in the time that it took me to take the picture of Mason, he finally gave it up!
Normally Taylor is not one to sleep in the car, but the ocean must've worn her out as well because she was curled up asleep too.
I know we are going to miss this place when we move, but we are excited to experience some new things in Boise.  But for the last month or so that we're here, we plan on taking advantage of all that the Lowcountry has to offer and making memories with the kids so they'll always look back fondly our time here in South Carolina.

Monday, April 20, 2015

23 Weeks and an Update

Tomorrow I'll be 23 weeks pregnant!  It's hard to believe I'm this far along already!  I'm feeling pretty good, but I can definitely tell a difference when my diet is very good and I'm eating lots of clean foods versus when I eat junk and don't drink enough water.  I have a 32oz bottle and my goal is to drink four of those per day.  I also am trying to keep my protein and fats up, so lots of chicken, Greek yogurt, avocado, and coconut oil are in the rotation as of late. 

I love my little bald photo-bomber in the background.  Anytime he sees the camera come out, he wants his picture taken too. 

Speaking of his bald head, since it's pretty much already summer here in South Carolina, we decided to give the boys a buzz cut!  They LOVE it and it's already been super easy to take care of.  I can't stop touching their fuzzy little heads!

This week has been full of changes!  Taylor is showing us how much more grown up she is getting every single day it seems.  She's had two loose teeth for a few weeks now and she finally got up the nerve to let Daddy pull one of them on Friday.  I think he was as nervous as she was because he didn't want to yank it out and hurt her! But after a few trial pulls, it finally came out.
We asked her if she wanted to go ahead and pull the other one, but I think she was too traumatized from the first one.  Once she saw that money under her pillow the next morning though, she was ready to go ahead and pull it! 
I am finishing up my Auditing class this week, which means that I'll only have the three classes that I'm on Week 3 in left to go!  If I make it through these last 6 weeks still sane, I am going to buy myself a massage!  I was up until early this morning working on finishing some assignments and I am realizing more and more that I'm not 21 anymore!  It is hard to pull an (almost) all-nighter and then get up with three kids at 7:30 am.  6 more weeks.  6 more weeks.  That's been my mantra when things get difficult or I'm tired and just want to sleep.  It will all be worth it in the end!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

21 Weeks!

I know it's a couple of days early, but I will be 21 weeks preggo on Tuesday!  Hard to believe we are on the downhill slide of this pregnancy.  We're still trying to decide on a name for Little Miss.  We think we've settled on a first name, but those darn middle names are hard!  It has to flow just right and so far, we haven't been able to agree on one.  Hopefully soon we'll figure it out!